It’s been a full decade since The Sims 4 hit the shelves, and for those of us who have diligently followed the series from its inception, the nostalgia of the infamous burglar is hard to shake. The beauty of The Sims franchise lies in its unpredictability, from unexpected calamities like kitchen fires to the absurdity of a meteor crashing through your roof. Among these delightful disruptions, the presence of the burglar stood out, and today marks the return of this mischievous element with a free update.
Fans of The Sims have been eagerly awaiting the revival of the burglar, a much-loved feature from the earlier installments. It’s been such a missed feature that many aficionados have resorted to mods to bring the burglar back, crafting their own versions to fill the gap left in The Sims 4.
Introducing Robin Banks (I see what they did there!), the sneaky thief who’s set to make her move under the cover of darkness. For those Sims who prefer the nightlife, there’s the chance to catch her in the act and call the cops, hoping for her capture. To prevent these burglaries, players can invest in burglar alarms, which can further be enhanced for better security. According to a developer’s log, there are a whopping 50 distinct reactions your Sims might have if they encounter Robin, ranging from brawling to using a freeze ray to stop her cold.
Yet, Robin isn’t all about theft and mischief. For those players with a fondness for more dramatic storylines, there’s the option to befriend or even charm her into joining your household. And should fate befall Robin as either a tragic roommate or member of the family, another Sim with her skill set will take her place.
What’s particularly exciting about this addition is its seamless integration with other expansion packs. If you’re equipped with the Cats and Dogs expansion, your trusty canine can help ward off Robin. If a werewolf is around, they might scare her off with ease, while a vampire Sim might just revel in an unexpected late-night feast. This reflects a larger trend within The Sims 4, with expansions interacting in fresh and engaging ways. The upcoming Businesses and Hobbies expansion, due out on March 6, is set to continue this trend, promising plenty of new ways to weave your own Sim story.