The latest installment in the cherished The Legend of Heroes/Kiseki franchise, Trails through Daybreak II, presented by NIS America and Nihon Falcom, offers fans another thrilling adventure. Picking up from where Trails through Daybreak left off, we again join Van Arkride in the Calvard region, diving into a fresh murder mystery. Buckle up for our deep dive into The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II!
Head back into the intriguing Calvard Republic, as you unravel the enigma surrounding the crimson beast in this exciting sequel! A sudden string of murders shakes the region, setting a tense stage for the challenges ahead. As chaos threatens, spriggan Van Arkride receives a visit that throws him back into the throes of danger. Who’s orchestrating these crimes, and what are they aiming to achieve?
This game continues directly from where Trails through Daybreak concluded, marking the 12th main title since the series began with Trails in the Sky. From its origins in the Liberl region, touching on Erebonia with the Trails of Cold Steel saga, and the adventures in Crossbell, Van’s journey in Calvard adds another rich chapter to this expansive world. It’s set in the Septian year 1209 and is packed with the engrossing narratives and intricate world-building that fans adore, turning the spotlight back on Van to further explore Calvard’s deep mysteries.
Experiencing each sub-series individually—whether it’s Trails in the Sky, Trails of Cold Steel, Trails from Zero, or Trails through Daybreak—offers unique enjoyment. Yet, they’re all pieces of a larger, interwoven universe, often referencing and interlacing the stories and events from other games.
Given that Trails through Daybreak II directly follows the previous game, diving into the first installment beforehand is highly recommended. Sure, there’s a recap video at the beginning, but a quick recap really doesn’t capture the depth and breadth of storytelling over those extensive 50-plus hours. If you’ve played the last game, you can even import your save to carry forward bonuses and decisions, enhancing your experience in this sequel.
Van Arkride returns as a spriggan—a detective for hire, handling the jobs that others, including bracers and the police, shy away from due to their complexities. Just like in the initial game, Van’s unique talents, including a remarkable sense of smell for gathering clues and sensing danger, make him a vital player in the unfolding crises within Calvard’s intricate society.
From the get-go, Van becomes embroiled in intrigue, thanks to a visit from Elaine, a familiar face for returning players. She brings unsettling news where Van becomes a prime suspect in a recent tragic turn of events. With a non-linear storyline that I found particularly enthralling, the game spins a narrative of detailed twists, exceptional character arcs, and thoughtful storytelling.
For veterans of the previous game, the battle system will be like slipping into a comfortable set of combat-ready boots. Fights begin with a real-time, combo-focused approach, much akin to action RPGs, primarily used for quicker encounters through basic attacks. When characters are nearby, performing a connected Combo Skill, a nearby ally will jump in to maximize damage—an echo of the character-linking techniques from earlier entries.
To unleash Arts (magic) or Crafts (special abilities), hitting the Square button transitions battles into a turn-based setup, reminiscent of those found in previous series entries, fine-tailing tactics especially in fierce battles. Van can also transform into a combat-mech form for added might.
As with prior entries, you have access to an Orbment system for equipping Quartz, unlocking abilities, and boosting stats. The menus remain delightfully intricate, though finding healing Arts can be cumbersome mid-battle, occasionally glitching altogether. Luckily, frequent auto-saves prevent lost progress, though a patch is eagerly anticipated. Being able to save at any point remains a boon, especially when navigating those prolonged dungeon crawls.
Graphically, Trails through Daybreak II builds modestly upon its predecessors. While it maintains a similar look to PlayStation 4-era graphics, notable improvements—particularly in clothing textures and facial animations—are noticeable. The voice work shines, especially for key characters, and, as expected from Nihon Falcom, the series delivers with its compelling audio scores, available in both English and Japanese.
In terms of achievements, the game challenges players with 53 trophies, including the esteemed Platinum trophy. From progressing through chapters to engaging with minigames like fishing and cooking, your trophy list will keep you occupied.
Ultimately, Trails through Daybreak II seamlessly merges action and strategy in its combat while weaving a captivating narrative brimming with surprises. It’s a direct follow-up to Trails through Daybreak, making the precedent play-through essential to appreciate its full story arc. Set to release on PlayStation 5 on February 14, it promises a compelling narrative and engaging gameplay for $59.99.
This review of The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is based on a PlayStation copy supplied by NIS America.