I must admit, clowns aren’t my favorite, so when Twisted Tower gave me the chance to take them down a notch, I was instantly hooked. This game is like taking a wild, Bioshock-esque journey through an old amusement park that’s more twisted than it sounds. Be ready to face some weird foes on each level, but don’t worry—you’ll have an equally bizarre arsenal, including a gumball machine gun, to help you out. If this piques your interest, you’re in luck—a fresh demo on Steam is waiting for you.
Kicking off, Twisted Tower introduces us to a protagonist who scores an invite to this eerie park. Once inside, chaos reigns with waves of mechanically mischievous mascots needing to be dispatched in this FPS adventure. Envision a place that feels like a brainchild of Willy Wonka and Andrew Ryan who just decided to up and leave after opening. Your goal is to navigate this kooky place, armed with firearms that get weirder by the minute.
The mastermind behind this madness is Mr. Twister, a toymaker with a flair for creating dangerous playthings. He’s turned this entire experience into a giant spectacle, broadcasting your every move to an audience over the radio. As you strive to climb up the tower, the challenges become delightfully insane, keeping everyone on the edge of their seats—except maybe yours, until you get your hands on the right weaponry.
There’s something inherently fun about Twisted Tower, even at just a basic level. Enemies might explode into confetti, adding a playful touch to the otherwise chaotic encounters. Some of your adversaries even squawk and squeal, fitting in with the whole amusement park theme. While it draws heavy inspiration from Bioshock, it stops short of taking itself too seriously, echoing American McGee’s Alice in its whimsical eeriness.
Developed by Thomas Brush, who operates under Atmos Games, Twisted Tower marks his third game, following the dark atmospheres of Neversong and Pinstripe. This project signifies a significant leap forward, moving from 2D landscapes to an immersive 3D, first-person shooter experience where surprises are aplenty.
Impressions right out of the gate are strong, and you don’t have to take my word for it—give it a whirl yourself. Check out the Twisted Tower demo now available on Steam. Interested in more brain-teasers or some undead action? Have a look through our selections of the best puzzle and zombie games to test both your intellect and your reflexes.
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