Oh no, it’s official. Helldivers 2’s Meridia black hole has finally consumed the planet it’s been approaching, Angel’s Venture. This once vibrant world has met a dramatic end, and Arrowhead has acknowledged the tragedy by declaring a mourning period for its lost inhabitants.
Honestly, it seemed inevitable. The writing was on the wall for Angel’s Venture after evacuation orders were issued. That enormous and ominous purple black hole recently altered its course and, with stunning finality, erased the planet from the cosmos, heading straight for Super Earth next.
Arrowhead broke the news on Twitter with a solemn message, informing everyone who wasn’t able to witness the catastrophe firsthand: “Angel’s Venture has been torn apart by the Meridian Singularity.” They took the moment to expose the Illuminate’s true motives, stating, “Hiding behind their facade of intelligence and sophistication, they have revealed their true desire: chaos.” The President of Super Earth proceeded to declare a 24-hour period of nationwide mourning to honor those lost.
The community’s reaction was expected, with mixed emotions and humor serving as coping tools for this virtual calamity. One Reddit user, aptly named ‘DickBallsley’, had promised his fellow players that he’d prevent this disaster from happening. After conceding defeat, he humorously admitted, “I’m sorry everyone, I might have overdone it. Going all out was not the best idea.” Next time, he vowed to pay closer attention to the details, admitting, “This one’s on me.”
Naturally, this prompted other players to respond with the iconic Obi-Wan Kenobi ‘You were the chosen one’ GIF, adding to the community’s shared sense of camaraderie in the face of defeat.
As this fictional world observes its loss, the game’s larger conflict has only just begun. The Meridia black hole is steadfast in its path towards Super Earth, threatening more planets along the way. It’s likely that the next mission will revolve around slowing its advance and repelling further Illuminate incursions. Let’s hope the subsequent effort turns out to be more fruitful than the last.