You can play Fortnite across various platforms: PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch. Right now, your main objective is to face off against Godzilla and make it out alive!
These days, my feelings towards Fortnite are a bit of a mixed bag. I remember the thrill during its first year when the game was fresh and every match felt like an unpredictable mix of chaos and fun. Back then, you weren’t dealing with bots. Every opponent was a real player, and it created moments filled with excitement and unpredictability—sometimes leading to epic wins or hilarious missteps. Unfortunately, that unique experience seems to have faded. Nowadays, it feels like you’re just wading through a game where bots pretend to challenge you, making the victories feel hollow. The sense of mystery that once shrouded its narrative has also dissipated. Now, it’s all about MMO-style quests, characters that spell out their lore much too explicitly, and an endless flood of characters from popular franchises. Fortnite has become a bit of a commercial hub, losing some of the unique flair it once had and edging closer to a dystopian vibe reminiscent of Ready Player One.
Despite these changes, Fortnite still has a hold on me. I can’t deny the joy I find in navigating its world. There’s a satisfying connection with the environment as you run, slide, jump, and climb across the map. On tough days, logging in to complete a few daily quests for some easy XP offers a brief escape that I still enjoy. The game also knows how to deliver on spectacle. When it goes big, it captures your attention in a way few others can. Right now, that spectacle comes in the form of Godzilla, the legendary monster who can randomly appear in matches. I came across a video capturing the experience of playing as Godzilla, and it seems phenomenal—the scale and raw power are nailed perfectly. This weekend, I find myself tempted to dive into Fortnite far more than usual, eager to witness the massive destruction from the helpless perspective of a regular player, fleeing from this gigantic threat. So, if you’re in the Fortnite arena and have the fortune of morphing into Godzilla, you might spot me as a mere speck trying to stay out of your way. Please, spare a fellow player! I come in peace. — Carolyn Petit